Saturday, July 31, 2010

I have not updated this shit in forever!

Did I lose the urge? Who knows. Sorry about that.

My most recent happening is working on the M3. I started work on removing the blower motor, for replacement. I am following the DIY on Doug's Domain. I got through to removing the blower motor itself.

TIP: You have to remove the left side of the airbox, BEFORE removing the wiper motor assembly.

I can't wait to clean this whole area up. It's so disgusting. The whole engine bay is SICK. On the good side, my heater core seems to be in good shape.

Almost since I've had the car, whenever I engage the recirculation, or heater, a door slaps closed HARD. I'm hoping I can fix this while replacing the blower motor.

I'm also happy to be almost done R&R'ing the car. I really just need some help with the headliner, and shit will be done. Then I am going to drive like a jackass EVERYWHERE.

Tron out.

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