Saturday, May 8, 2010

Review: Gunvault BB3000 Security Cable

We can all hope for a little bit more security. Make no mistake, this is a pretty thin cable, but it will stop someone from running off with your gunvault.

I installed this on our Gunvault GVB1000, which is near our bedside. I looped the cable around the bedframe, so I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.

The trick to installing this is definitely using the proper tools. You have to knock out a pre-perforated hole in the side of the gunvault. I at first tried just a plain screwdriver, but a screwdriver/hammer combo is what worked. Make sure to remove the little leftover donut, instead of just bending it out of the way, otherwise you'll never get the nut onto the end of the cable.

The cable installs in the gunvault using a lock washer, nut, and safety clip that snaps through the threads on the end of the cable. Even after hand tightening, the lock washer did it's job - I could not unscrew it again.

All in all, it's a good product for the money. I wish it was around the $10 price point, but $13 with free shipping from amazon prime is close enough. I couldn't get it under $15 with shipping anywhere else. I recommend it, especially if you have nosy kids around.


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